Fitness trackers are ?? (apple, whoop, Fitbit, etc)

Fitness trackers are ?? (apple, whoop, Fitbit, etc)

20 thoughts on “Fitness trackers are ?? (apple, whoop, Fitbit, etc)

  1. This guy sounds ignorant. 10k steps a day and raking a yard would be decent exercise for most. The body fat loss would come from diet.

  2. Who’s watch is telling them their burning 5000 Cals a day and their not working out?!

  3. This is major cap. Make sure to have your height, weight, gender, age all up to date. And do frequent ish outdoor walks/runs on a track with good gps. It’s incredible how accurate the Apple Watch is if you do those things. Even the resting calories is very close to an actual RMR test.

  4. Only my garmin tells me I just burned 1600 calories in one day even if I did 10k steps and lifted weights and I’m loosing weight in a 2000 calories on average?…

  5. i wonder where this guy is getting his data from because i own an apple watch and have many friends that own one and ive never in my life seen anyone go over 1000 calories without having done a serious workout. I have to take boxing classes for 3 hours to break 1,000 calories and thats a hell of a lot of cardio. They arent 100% accurate sure, but they give you a good idea. Also the most important part of fitness trackers is NOT to track your calories burned because most people do know its inaccurate, its for MOTIVATION! seeing all your rings close, challenging your friends, keeping track of the time during your activity, they are so much more than what you are saying!!

  6. Works just fine for me. Obviously take the calorie count with a grain of salt unless you’re an idiot but get out of here with that nonsense saying that it’s completely flat out wrong because it’s not. This is just bulls** fake “facts” for the internet

  7. Ok then tell us how you accurately tracked your calories burned during your little bike ride

  8. Not gonna lie, but having a fitness tracker greatly motivates us to workout.

    And, just by picking up kids from school or doing random chores won’t get the calorie count up to 1000 or 2000. I struggle to get my daily goal of 750 calories.

  9. I hate when complete randoms talk about shit they don’t understand ?? like who tf is this guy?

  10. Source: my ass. My garmin has made me objectively stronger. The training plan has literally guided me to finally running 5k no pauses fast

  11. sheeeeeeesh looks like me losing 66 lbs with Calorie Tracking was just a dream… (was 264 lbs. im now 198 lbs)

  12. For those of you whow think this is false information, I'd suggest looking at videos by the quantified scientist. Smart watches are nowhere as accurate as you'd imagine them to be, especially for tracking calories burnt. I've also personally tested this by tracking my daily weight and my calorie intake.

  13. Most fitness trackers are inaccurate. That being said, they're inaccurate in a way they heavily undermine the Calories burn estimation. If you actually burn 500 Calories, the app or watch may say you have burnt 350 Calories.

    For those people complaining, it's not about the devices. It's their habits. With BMR being 1,800 Cal and exercise worth of 1,000 Cal a day, it's all gone down the drain if they keep eating junk food that nets around 1,500 Cal for just ONE SINGLE MEAL, before taking into account breakfast, snacks, and dinner. Most of thoe complaining people burn 1,800 Cal (BMR) + 1,000 Cal (exercise) but go heavy on food and eat like 3,000 Cal or more. It's still net positive, and you gain weight.

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