Misfit Shine Activity Monitor

Shine is an elegant activity monitor that you can wear anywhere. Shine is designed to inspire people to become more active, and encourage people to set goals for how much they want to move in a day and complete them. Wear it with different accessories available for different wearing locations and to different occasions (formal, business, casual, sleeping, swimming).Shine estimates your total calories burned each day, which includes: (1) calories related to your physical activities like walking, running, swimming, etc; and (2) the basal metabolic rate (BMR) of energy needed just to keep your body alive.The calories consumed by your physical activities are based on their duration and intensity, which are measured by the three-dimensional accelerometry system.Shine is water-resistant for swimming and the anodized aluminium will cope with tough conditions.Please note: Comes with Sport Band strap included.

$ 119.00

Customer Reviews

426 of 440 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars
Gorgeous, no-charging, 50m waterproof = way better than Fitbit, Jawbone, June 21, 2014
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As an early adopter of these products, I’ve pretty much seen them all and used many of them myself, ever since the original Fitbit which didn’t even have an app for years (which I was actually fine with). My boyfriend thinks I’m nuts, but whatever, over the years, we’ve both seen a real impact that these things have made in my life.

My quick activity tracker resume is as follows: Fitbit -> Fitbit Ultra -> Fitbit One -> Jawbone UP -> back to Fitbit Flex -> Shine (mostly on the wrist). Basically I’ve been a Fitbit loyalist (bought and reviewed them on …) despite me having to replace each one of them at least a couple times a year because I would inevitably forget them on a shirt or something and accidentally throw them in the washer where they always died – I’ve actually never had a single one survive a wash. When I got the UP I was pretty excited because of the design from the pictures I saw. It quickly became a major disappointment because of how thick it was and how it 1) kept scratching my computer whenever I was typing (seems like a recurring theme in the reviews), 2) would get caught on my shirt sleeves, and 3) was in fact quite ugly. I stuck with it anyway because I dropped 0 on it *sigh* but eventually gave up after having to replace it THREE times because it would just stop working. And I even bought my Jawbone at the Apple Store – I thought all the stuff there was supposed to be really good – I can’t understand why out of all the activity trackers they sell there, they sell the Jawbone which is literally the worst rated activity tracker here on Amazon!

Anyway so back to Fitbit I went when the Flex came out which I used until… it started to smell. Like vinegar. It was pretty gross so I washed it…and then it died because water got into it. *sigh* My second Flex – same thing – started to smell after a few weeks. It also just didn’t really work all that well and was really annoying to charge all the time. Then I heard about the Shine through a friend who got hers on Indiegogo – finally broke down in a spat of retail therapy and got one here on Amazon. AND I LOVE IT. I actually recently saw the Shine highlighted in the latest iPhone 5 Apple ad (I have to say, the Shine is pretty Apple-esque in their design so I can see why they would show it off) so it reminded me to get one for my boyfriend…and to finally sit down and write up this review that I’ve been meaning to do for weeks now.

One thing I want to comment on from some of the reviews I’ve read about Shine in defense of the previous devices I’ve had in the past: yes, of course compared to Shine, my Fitbits and Jawbones were down-right ugly and toy-like but they were relatively easy to hide so it wasn’t actually that big of a deal (except for when I’m wearing a short sleeve shirt, in which case I just put it away in my purse). I never did the whole clip-on-the-bra thing because I always thought that was kind of weird but if I had a pocket I would just leave it in there and that worked fine. I guess the difference is, I actually WANT to wear Shine on the outside for people to see. Okay onto the review:

* STUNNING – I know everyone’s already said it but I just wouldn’t do it justice if I skipped it: the Shine is very obviously the most beautiful device on the market. Opposite to the Jawbone, it’s actually nicer looking “in person” than in the photos – you really can’t appreciate it until you hold it in your hands. I can wear it with just about anything and now I don’t have to hide it. 🙂
* SUPER COMFORTABLE – Again, not to just repeat what everyone’s said here but the thing is really thin and light. I rarely remember that I’m even wearing it no matter what I’m doing.
* SOLID BUILD QUALITY – The entire shell is made of aircraft grade aluminum and it FEELS great when you hold it or wear it – totally different from wearing any of the other plastic bands.
* NO CHARGING – I never realized how big of a deal this was until about three weeks in I realized that I never had to take it off to charge it. I’ve actually worn my Shine now for over five months without having to charge it (bought my first one in February this year and still haven’t ever had to charge it!). Pretty amazing. One of my greatest annoyances with my Fitbits and Jawbones was that I’d misplace or outright lost my charger (which was proprietary so I couldn’t just use my micro USB charger) ALL THE TIME and would have a week or two of gaps in my data – that alone made me quit a bunch of times. I know tons of my friends have had the exact same experience.
* TRULY WATERPROOF – This is kind of a big deal to me because I’ve had so many Fitbits die on me because they were definitely NOT waterproof as they…

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163 of 171 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars
best fashion forward waterproof quantified self fitness tracker, March 29, 2014

When compared against fitbit, basis, finis swimsense and nike fuelband, the shine wins for a few simple reasons:

(1) I don’t need to worry about recharging it everyday/few days
(2) I never need to take it off since it’s waterproof
(3) the smartphone app is powerful and yet easy to use and reliable and lets me compete against myself, my friends & family

Every fitness tracker I know requires that you plug it into a USB port/charge/dock to get recharged which means that you need to take it off. For the disciplined individual it’s a bearable pain but for the undisciplined it eventually leads to large tracking gaps. When my wife used her Basis Watch (recently acquired by Intel) I often times found it tethered to our plug for many days… the creators designed the Basis USB cable strap to allow people to keep the watch on while connected to a USB port, but my wife wanted zero part of that and even for me (an early adopter) it felt lame doing that. With the Shine it uses a standard watch battery (CR2032) which is good for about 2-3 months, which is a much better power hassle interval. I ended up ordering these batteries in bulk since it’s much cheaper than periodically picking one up at the local CVS/Walgreens,etc. Shine even provides a simple tool to pop off the back case to put in the new battery. Just make sure that you line up the misfit bow logo with the little slit & snap to close.. and you’re good to go for a few more months.

The shine smartphone app syncing is the best I’ve seen. Most fitness trackers require that you install something on your PC/Mac or awkwardly bluetooth pair your device. For the shine, install the app on your iPhone 4S/5/5S+or Android w/Bluetooth 4.0 or greater (eg. Samsung Galaxy S3/4/5/Note/Droid Razr/HTC One) and follow the simple two step instructions and you’re done. Even though I’m a power user, the steps are intentionally designed for anyone to easily follow correctly. Whenever I want to check my fitness progress I can either double tap my shine to visually see how much progress I’ve made through out the day or if I tap the shine smartphone app it automatically begins sync’ing with my shine to get the latest data to let me know how many points/steps/miles/calories I’ve burned. I usually check in a few times a day on my shine and it ends up being entertaining/fun and it’s most delighting when you’re 100{60f78fc10f9d225dae0ba0255c415eaf093f5a3220b43cdf3df82aaf7b5f9e5d} goal is achieved after a workout. My wife & son check theirs throughout the day too! I started with mine first and then months later my wife wanted to upgrade to one and then my 11 year old son recently wanted one too so now we’re a full shine household! My son wears his on his left hand since it’s an elegant and modern watch too. After a double tap you see you’re daily progress amongst the circle of lights and then you also can see the time in a Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) presentation style which is elegant. My son is the first kid in his elementary school to be joining the quantified self movement!

I’m a swimmer too so shine is perfect since it’s at least pool depth waterproof (not just water resistant per the other reviewers) which is also important for everyone who showers/bathes 🙂 since you don’t ever have to take it off except to change the battery. I keep my shine on my right hand and on my left hand I keep my classic dress watch. Whenever I swim, I triple tap to tag the beginning of my activity. It used to be that I needed to triple tap to let it know that I was going to sleep too but now they’ve automated this so the sleep tracking & REM (rapid eye movement) calculations are done automatically. Discovering how much or little REM sleep achieved overnight is fascinating every morning since it’s a known fact that when you have deep sleep/Rapid Eye Movement (REM) you’re hands also don’t move, so the Shine is able to infer this accurately. For runners and walkers no triple trap is required since that’s automatic too. Since not all exercise activities are created equally, the shine also lets you triple tap to let you know that you’re going cycling, playing tennis, basketball or soccer. Each activity has very specific motions and so algorithmically the shine takes this into account and rewards points/calories/accordingly via the varying activity intensity levels. it’s very easy to let the shine app know which activity before or after the triple tap just as long as you keep it to the same day. I always make sure the right activity is selected before the triple tap to keep things simpler when it syncs back w/the app. If you’re a business traveler the shine also automatically syncs & adjusts to the new time zone as soon as your smartphone knows that it’s somewhere else in the world.

Every friend I’ve met up with or new business contact I’ve made who has any desire to improve or track their daily activity levels has ordered a shine! With the shine’s social board/leaderboard feature and facebook…

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91 of 94 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars
All in all I like the Shine., July 14, 2014
These types of devices can be particularly useful if you move around a lot throughout the day and are trying to work out a proper meal plan. If you’re like me and you work out and then sit at a desk all day, a simple TDEE calculation works just fine. But if you’re on your feet all day it can be hard to accurately determine your TDEE and a tracker can help.

The Shine is easily the most attractive tracking device on the market. It’s sleek and unobtrusive and can be worn as a bracelet, necklace, put in your pocket, attached to your shoe, etc. Different wearing positions are recommended for different activities: the wrist is good for swimming, the shoe for cycling, the neck or belt or pocket for daily use, and so forth.

The device automatically tracks steps taken and distance covered and can also track various specific activities and sports like cycling, swimming, basketball, soccer, tennis, and more. You track these activities by setting them in the app and then tapping on the Shine three times before you begin.

The activity tracking is built around a points system that assigns various point values to time spent doing certain activities. This way you can set an overall activity goal, as represented by points, and easily track your progress toward it, knowing that you have “X minutes of” walking or swimming or cycling or what-have-you left.

The sleep monitor is simple but works well. It tells you total sleep time and time spent in deep sleep. The graph is a little odd at first as the deep sleep bars are longer than the light sleep, but it makes sense after you look at it for a second. And if you have an iPhone, you can also use its Smart Alarm feature, which will wake you up during a period of light sleep. You can set the device up to manually enter sleep mode or, through its sensors, it can automatically recognize when you’re in bed and begin sleep tracking. This feature worked just fine for me.

The Shine also has a neat little watch function that is activated by double-tapping the device. Some people have complained about taps not registering correctly but I didn’t have any issues with this.

Like the device itself, the app is beautiful but a bit limited, and especially so with the Android version, which is missing one great feature found in the iPhone version: the “Smart Alarm” that will wake you up during periods of light sleep.

A few things missing from the Shine that you’ll find in other trackers are a feature related to tracking calorie and macronutrient intake, integration with other devices and apps, and a Web app. Misfit, the company that produces the Shine, says they’ll be opening up their API, so maybe we’ll see device and app integration at some point, but for now you’ll have to go without.

The Bottom Line

All in all I like the Shine. While it’s not as feature rich as some of its competitors and is more for getting a simple overview of your exercise and sleep habits, what it does do it does well and it’s definitely more attractive than some of the clunky bands and hip clip devices out there.


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