Testing Fitness Trackers For Accuracy Of Steps, Calories Burned | TODAY

Testing Fitness Trackers For Accuracy Of Steps, Calories Burned | TODAY

20 thoughts on “Testing Fitness Trackers For Accuracy Of Steps, Calories Burned | TODAY

  1. Does anybody think we will be able to do the real numbers ever or the companies haven't made one that can do it on purpose cause it's been lots of advances in tech in cars phones and other stuff

    It doesn't make sense to me that they really can't make a watch that can show the real numbers

    They did a test on the today show 6 years ago and the difference was like the same now with these watches

  2. I love how they can make a 5 minute video to basically say: ????  
    awesome. thx.

  3. Great show answered a lot of questions. The fact they lie about how many calories you are losing should be criminal especially if they are off by 4 times over. It's kind of like telling you there is only 5 calories in a chocolate chip cookie so you buy it and think you can still eat 1995 calories for the day when in reality you cant. We wonder why we got so many fat people with terrible corporations coddling everyone.

  4. Just my opinion but wouldn't it be more accurate to be placed on the ankle instead of the wrist?? It's going off dominant hand right, so what if you don't move your hands as much as u move your legs ?

  5. As we suspected, they dont work, it's just gimmick. Everyone I know who have one never lose any weight or increase their fitness.

  6. I kind of think all these devices are a relative measurement and if you setup the device correctly with all your body statistics. For testing walk/step counts, walk the same route several times and see what the numbers say. And as most commenters here say there are other factors to consider which give the final readings. See if the device gives false readings and go from there. They are just a fitness tool to play around with.

  7. 5 years now have passed. I wonder if they are more accurate now? Follow up story?

  8. People who have these bands are defending them just bcz they have spent the money and now feeling stupid ?

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