The Best Budget Fitness Tracker Smart Watch – AMAZING VALUE!

The Best Budget Fitness Tracker Smart Watch  - AMAZING VALUE!

20 thoughts on “The Best Budget Fitness Tracker Smart Watch – AMAZING VALUE!

  1. Good review, you actually use your brain and no crappy music in background. Oh of course you come from England not India or Australia.

  2. It’s the same Chinese company that sold those crap drones and they used exactly and I mean the exactly same pitch story. I’m sure you’ll be able to find on YouTube. I never buy anything off the cuff like this I always do my homework. Don’t be fooled, if it’s to good to be true it usually is. ?

  3. Erm, so I use my earbuds every day…. Will I also be able to use the smartwatch too??? Because I don't think BT on a phone call connect one device at a time….?

  4. Great presentation:-). However My watch is 1 hour ahead. I’m trying to fix it and went online but nobody seems to know how to fix the time. It won’t pair either. Can you help

  5. all these apps, where your data will go to in china dictator state? i wonder? north Korea or any totalitarian states should make sure data bizs are their strength. snyc with your phone contacts, calender and whatever, web browsing too? hope google apps are all closely monitored, than is ok

  6. Este reloj inteligente es pera gente grande ipertensos que hacen sus actividads al aire libre no salir solos este reloj te abisa culquier falla en tu organism o y para cualquier persona de diferente edad por lo que yo lei es muy necesario yo no tego dinero por eso no lo compro

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